The Complete Guide to Nair Hair Removal Cream

What is Nair Hair Removal Cream? Nair is an at-home hair removal product called a depilatory. A depilatory is a cream, lotion, or gel that temporarily eliminates unwanted hair on the face and body. Nair and other depilatories are available at your local drugstore. It is flattened onto the surface of your skin, breaking down… Read More »

How to Stop or Prevent Ingrown Hair in and Around Your Bikini Area

Why do I keep getting ingrown hair on my pubic area? People who shave, wax, or use another method to remove pubic hair may be more prone to ingrown hairs. Ingrown pubic hairs can also be due to wearing tight clothing that rubs and irritates the skin. People with curlier or coarser pubic hair are also more likely to experience ingrown hairs Ingrown… Read More »